Mariner PPM & DevOps

When your operations, development and quality assurance teams need to all collaborate in real time to develop new markets and products, Mariner Portfolio Project Management software provides the tools to make it possible.

At the centre of the collaboration – or Dev-Ops as it is popularly known – is a task plan that covers every project in your work hierarchy.

Planning, organising and managing costs, resources and time effectively ensures your projects are completed within the right timeframe, with the right amount of work, and with the right level of quality.

To help you manage the task plan, Mariner PPM shows the critical path graphically so you know when a task (or a series of tasks) must be finished. The critical path is based on the longest possible sequence of tasks, factoring in their start dates, finish dates, dependencies, and constraints.

MarinerPPM enables your collaborators to participate in discussions related to a particular item as they work together to finish their assigned items. As well, issues and risks can be flagged and work items created.shutterstock_284294369

Mariner PPM is DevOps. It allows users and operators to collaborate by providing a central place for all activities, tasks and work items, and clearly and precisely shows the full life cycle from idea, through development to delivery and operations. Everyone gets to see everything.

Documents related to particular items can be created, tracked, managed, updated and stored. A history of each document is kept and users can access older versions.

Capital expenses and operational expenses – and resulting benefits – can be allocated, tracked and compared with a baseline provided by the original budget. When multiple currencies are involved, currency-based data can be viewed.